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Posted in category:   Quick

NitrousQH is the QuickHit version of our Nitrous dose.

It is designed to give you optimum effects in the least amount of time.

Just like the real deal: the effects come on quickly, and are gone just as fast. They don't call it Hippy Crack for nothing.

Check our results: Total Duration 1-5 mins. Onset 0 - 1 mins. Coming Up 15 - 30 secs. Plateau 1 - 5 mins. Coming Down 10 mins. After Effects 15 - 30 mins.

What does this mean? We have created the perfect quick-high dose that will mess you up real fast, and leave you as good as new in no time.

Don't have time for our longer-lasting doses and just want a quickie? Here it is! Effects include: Giggling, Euphoria, Exhilaration, Sound Distortion, Reduction of External Stimuli, Clumsiness, Loss of Dexterity, and Loss of Balance. Want the perfect dose to show off the quick power of I-Doser!

This is THE ONE!

This dose has been downloaded 72 times.
Posted in category:   Antidepressant

QuickHappy is for when you need that quick little pick-me-up.

While not as strong or as long-lasting as our other antidepressant doses, it is the perfect amount for when you need a quick hit in the morning, at lunch, or right when you get home from work.

At only 5 minutes to bring you from an alpha 10hz down to a soothing carefree .20hz, it has become a favorite "Monday Morning Dose."

You will be amazed at how much easier it is to head into the office after using QuickHappy.

This dose has been downloaded 72 times.
Posted in category:   Stimulant

French Roast is the perfect Early Morning pick-me-up, or a late night boost when you need a few more hours of open eyes.

This dose takes you from an existing state of blah to a normal mid-day condition of awake.

Use it in the morning just as you wake up to start the day off right.

French Roast synchronizes your brain to 14z, or the state of being alert and awake.

This dose has been downloaded 67 times.