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Posted in category:   Spiritual

Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming, deep meditation, or the use of psychotropics.

Proponents of astral projection maintain that their consciousness or soul has transferred into an astral body (or "double"), which moves in tandem with the physical body in a parallel world known as the astral plane.

The concept of astral projection has been around for thousands of years, dating back to ancient China. Astral projection is also known as "Soul Travel."

Take this dose in a dark room, lay back, and see what it feels like to have your entire soul leave your physical body and go on a journey.

This dose has been downloaded 73 times.
Posted in category:   Spiritual

An aura is a field of electromagnetic energy surrounding the body of living being.

It shows itself as bright colors and can be used in healing. The colors of an aura can be used to determine a person's mood or overall energy.

Aura+ is a psychological corrector.

If you are currently experiencing a negative aura (black or grey), this dose will attempt to stabilize you to a higher lifting aura state of glowing variety: Red, headstrong. Yellow, happy. Blue, deep.

Perfect for negative aura experiencing like when you feel down or out, with no obvious reason.

You could just need aura alleviation through gentle soothing correction.

This dose has been downloaded 76 times.
Posted in category:   Spiritual

This dose is to help assist you in experiencing an out of body experience: defined as an experience in which a person seems to perceive the world from a location outside the physical body.

The consciousness separates from the body and is free to roam the earth plane.

Phenomena associated with the out of body experience are things like remote viewing or other such seeing of places and people as they exist in this time and place.

"I floated up out of the house into the sky and became aware of everything around me. Then suddenly, I could perceive all time and in particular the whole of my life. I could see clearly that everything that seemed real and solid was just an illusion of mind. Time and space did not exist."

75% of out of body experiences happen while the user is laying down or sitting and relaxed, so put on the headphones and go into a deep state. You just may have an out of body experience.

This dose has been downloaded 69 times.
Posted in category:   Spiritual

We have designed this dose to act as a tool in a smudging ceremony, with the added benefits of after effects and strong feeling.

Smudging is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences.

The smudging ceremony involves experiencing the dose while focusing on the negative energy.

Your transferred thoughts tuned through our process will cleanse the negative leaving a really strange feeling of extreme relaxation. One of our most spiritual and powerful doses.

This dose has been downloaded 71 times.