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Posted in category:   Sexual

When the mood is right, you want and need to LAST!

Extend is the perfect supplement to any sexual endeavor.

Designed to be a quick dose right before sexual activity, it will leave you feeling refreshed, ready, and able to go all the way and more. Finish too soon? Can't finish at all? Never get started?

Extend may be the dose you need.

This dose has been downloaded 73 times.
Posted in category:   Sexual

Sildenafil citrate is prescribed in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.

It is commonly referred to as a "lifestyle drug". Orgasms are initially the same intensity as normal, but the drug allows for new, strong erections minutes after orgasm, and later orgasms are delayed and more intense.

Sildenafil is commonly and increasingly used as an aphrodisiac, i.e. to increase sexual desire.

Our dose has been designed to be the perfect compliment to sexual activity.

This dose has been downloaded 71 times.
Calm Me
Posted in category:   Antianxiety

Almost everyone suffers from at least small bouts of anxiety. Some people have nearly crippling battles with being anxious almost every day. Calm ME was designed to work on two levels: If you feel anxious or are having any form of anxiety attack, Calm ME will help to calm you and assist you in getting past it.

It also works very well to prevent an anxiety attack: Great for public speaking, heading into large crowds or parties, or just getting through the day. In one study thirty patients experienced relaxation states of 80-100% after five minutes.

Eight patients had blood tests before and after the sessions and showed improved beta-endorphin levels of 10-50%. This is some of the best results we have seem from formal dose testing.

This dose has been downloaded 73 times.
Posted in category:   Enhance

Reset will reset your brain to a normal 8hz level, or normal and awake.

This dose was designed so you could "reset" your brain if you wanted to get rid of the effects of a dose, or try another dose and "clear" your brain before you administrate another one! Because many I-Doser doses are so very powerful, we do not recommend you piggy-back doses one after another.

If you try a dose, and then want to try another, MAKE SURE you use a reset dose in between!

Order some today so you always have them on hand! Using reset is the ONLY way to try multiple doses in succession.

This dose has been downloaded 75 times.
Posted in category:   Prescription

Klono has a very fast onset of action and high effectiveness rate for strong anxiety and panic.

Is is the perfect quick-calm fast acting dose on a prescription-level power, but not too harsh. Some perceived drawbacks include paradoxical effects, drowsiness, and cognitive impairment.

This dose has been downloaded 72 times.
Posted in category:   Sedative

When everything is right, and you don't have a care in the world, you are Content. Life is complicated and fast, and it is a rare occurrence when you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Content will calm you, energize you, bring a smile to your face and, for a period of time, make you feel like everything is right.

It wipes negative static from your mind, soothes you, and gives you a boost when life gets crazy. Become Content.

This dose has been downloaded 71 times.
Posted in category:   Sedative

When you want to calm Dooooown. Downer takes your from high to low in 20 minutes flat.

Great for use after a stressful day, we have also had many reports that it works good as a recreational drug when you are so tweaked that all you want to do is relax and end the night.

It won't put you to sleep, but it WILL calm you, ease you out of your buzzing mind-quake, melt away stress, zone you perfectly, and ease you back. For users who want to calm, but don't want to pass out.

This dose has been downloaded 74 times.
Posted in category:   Spiritual

An aura is a field of electromagnetic energy surrounding the body of living being.

It shows itself as bright colors and can be used in healing. The colors of an aura can be used to determine a person's mood or overall energy.

Aura+ is a psychological corrector.

If you are currently experiencing a negative aura (black or grey), this dose will attempt to stabilize you to a higher lifting aura state of glowing variety: Red, headstrong. Yellow, happy. Blue, deep.

Perfect for negative aura experiencing like when you feel down or out, with no obvious reason.

You could just need aura alleviation through gentle soothing correction.

This dose has been downloaded 76 times.
Posted in category:   Spiritual

We have designed this dose to act as a tool in a smudging ceremony, with the added benefits of after effects and strong feeling.

Smudging is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences.

The smudging ceremony involves experiencing the dose while focusing on the negative energy.

Your transferred thoughts tuned through our process will cleanse the negative leaving a really strange feeling of extreme relaxation. One of our most spiritual and powerful doses.

This dose has been downloaded 71 times.
Posted in category:   Stimulant

Its influence is very quickly diffused over the body, causing an increased frequency of pulse, and excitement of the nervous system, especially of the brain, attended with a sense of fullness of the head and feelings of exhilaration.

These are followed by drowsiness and after a short time not infrequently with perspiration, after which the effects pass off with more or less depression as your brain slowly resets.

This dose has been downloaded 73 times.
Posted in category:   Sedative

Everybody get headaches, and it is usually just a pop of the aspirin bottle. However, sometimes they are so bad "nothing" helps. This is why we designed Anti-Migraine.

For those of you who don't like medication, can't find something that works for those migraines, cluster headaches, or just plain vanilla headaches - this takes you from a normal alpha state to a .5hz migraine-busting level.

Sure to bring you some soothing relief!

This dose has been downloaded 68 times.